Greetings from EIH

EIH Ethmar International Holding PJSC ("Company") hereby invites you to attend the General Assembly Meeting which will be held on Monday, 15/01/2024 at 3:00 PM. At the Company’s headquarters with the opportunity to attend the meeting remotely using your smartphone, tablet, or computer.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Centered Circle with Exclamation Mark

For individual and corporate proxies, kindly download and fill out the proxy form from the below link and upload it with the supporting documents once the online registration is open.

للتوكيل الشخصي أو الخاص بالشركات، يرجى تحميل وتعبئة قسيمة التوكيل من الرابط أدناه وإرفاقها مع كافة المستندات الثبوتية عند فتح التسجيل الإلكتروني