Discovery Health Medical Scheme Annual General Meeting ("AGM") 2024
Date: 27 June 2024
Time: 09:00 (SAST)
Location: In-person at The Maslow Hotel, corner of Rivonia Road and Grayston Drive, Sandton, Gauteng, or virtually via the Lumi online platform
Appointment of a proxy for the Annual General Meeting
The proxy appointment process opens on 20 May 2024 and closes at 09:00 on 20 June 2024
In terms of Rule 26.1 of the Approved Scheme Rules, all Principal Members in good standing (i.e. whose contributions are up to date and who are not suspended for any reason), and all Principal Members duly represented by proxy shall be entitled to attend, speak and vote at the AGM.
The Independent Electoral Body ("IEB"), Mazars South Africa ("Mazars"), has been appointed by the Scheme to independently oversee the vetting of proxies received in respect of the AGM. Any decisions made by the IEB regarding the validity of any proxy appointment shall be final and binding.
According to Rule 26.2 of the Scheme Rules, the instrument appointing the Proxy must be in writing, in a form determined by the Board of Trustees (“Board”) and must be signed by the member and the person appointed as the Proxy. In this case the completed Proxy Appointment Form is considered to be signed electronically within the system. Voting at meetings, in terms of Rule 26.3, must be by ballot or by a show of hands. In the event of the votes being equal, the chairperson, if he is a member, has a casting vote in addition to his deliberative vote.
Further, there are two (2) types of proxy appointments that the Proxy Giver may select from:
- Instructional Proxy Appointment: the proxy giver instructs the nominated proxy holder how to cast their votes on their behalf. However, this proxy appointment is limited to providing voting instructions as it pertains to the AGM Agenda items; and
- Discretional Proxy Appointment: : the proxy giver has no specific voting preference and the nominated proxy holder may cast their vote on behalf of the proxy giver as they see fit
The proxy appointment process closes at 09:00 on 20 June 2024 (7 days before the date and time appointed for the holding of the AGM).
Failure to comply with the provisions of the above-mentioned Scheme Rules, will render the Proxy Appointment invalid.
If the AGM convened is adjourned for any reason, all valid proxies shall remain valid for the adjourned meeting unless otherwise advised by the Scheme.
The completion and lodging of this proxy appointment form will not preclude the relevant Principal Member from attending the AGM and voting in person or virtually instead of any proxy appointed in terms hereof. Should the Principal Member attend or vote at the meeting, whether in person or virtually, the proxy that has been appointed will not be able to vote on the Principal Member's behalf and the proxy appointment shall be deemed to have been revoked.
Only Principal Members who are in good standing (i.e. whose contributions are up to date and who are not suspended for any reason) may appoint proxies. Only other Principal Members may act as proxies. It is hereby clarified that only Principal Members may appoint other Principal Members to act as their proxy.
All information required on the Proxy Appointment Form must be completed. Failure to do so may invalidate the proxy appointment.
All information supplied on the completed Proxy Appointment Form shall be verified. Decisions made by the IEB in respect of the validity of submitted Proxy Appointment Forms will be final and binding.
For any AGM-related queries, including queries related to proxy appointment, please contact the IEB at telephone number: 011 547 4212 or email: The IEB will respond to queries and requests between 08:00 and 16:30, Mondays to Fridays only (excluding weekends and public holidays).
By making use of the Lumi platform to appoint a proxy to attend, speak and vote on your behalf at the AGM, you give Lumi Technologies SA Pty Ltd consent to process your personal information on behalf of Discovery Health Medical Scheme (“the Scheme”) for purposes of ascertaining your membership status with the Scheme and establishing your eligibility to appoint a proxy to attend, speak and vote on your behalf at the AGM.